Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Technology Musings

Sometimes I think I would love to have been born in the Digital Age......our students find it so simple to grasp any concept where for me while Technology concepts come easily to me now they did not always.  I was fortunate that my mother got the first Atari computer that came out that went mainstream so since I was 12 or so we always had a computer in our house....prior to that she would always go out and get the latest electric typewriter etc....  I lived in a household where Technology was cutting edge....I guess you could say.  I come from a family of origin that embraced technology and technological advances. 

I do think this helps....we still all help each other with technology issues.  Many people I run into say to me "I do not like Technology".....I do not like computers" etc....Interesting very few of these people are children.  Our students at Castle Hayne love working with the netbooks, the Smart Responders, and even our AIG students love working with the ipads.  I think its because children know they can do anything!  I always tell people if you have gone out and bought the lastest cell phone, Xbox, Kindle, Nook, Wii, or even stream movies through Netflix that they are already using Technology every single day.  The more you use it the easier it becomes.

Recently I was driving home from out of town and decided to organize my books on my Kindle.  I then decided to read the "Kindle Cookbook" which tells you all the things I can do with my plain 2nd generation Kindle and I realized I had been way under-utilizing it. 

So take a chance......start a new blog, or even find a new one to follow.  Spend some time on some of our educational sites linked to our school website.  Another great place to start is using Google's apps they have created which are FREE.  Everybody has to start somewhere and as I was taught when I was growing up..."Practice Makes Perfect"...;)

Until next time!  Thanks for stopping by!